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LoreFolk has a dedicated group of members who work to keep LoreFolk running smoothly behind the scenes.


There is no form or application to be a staff member. Potential Staff Members are contacted by an administrator and are selected based on their demonstrated capabilities to assist Lorefolk. Members who are active in posting, regularly engage in plotting and activities, show enthusiasm for the site, help advertise, express a calm and welcoming demeanor, and volunteer their time to support the site receive first preference in being staff.


Founder & Administrator

Pronouns: Any

Timezone: CST (& EST)

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Raised by wolves in the wilds of Pennsylvania, ReD recently re-located to the Midwest after making a Faustian deal: in exchange for a PhD, ReD would sacrifice cheesesteaks, free time, and sleep.

Now surrounded by corn instead of trees, ReD fills the day with reading, writing, and collecting postcards. ReD is accompanied everywhere by an Australian Shepherd (named Chase) who never learned the meaning of personal space.

A folklore enthusiast, ReD has been roleplaying monsters and creatures with sharp teeth for close to two decades.


Archive & Character Management

Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs

Timezone: EST

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Grey is new to the mod game but their time with the alligators have hardened their hide so they are finally tough enough to withstand the bites. They themself don't often bite, so you are free to come closer.


They are Canadian by placement and have been actively rping for 12 years. In the dark of the night, when all should be slumbering, they lurk with a sketchbook and pens in the cliffs and lakes of their homeland. They love to introduce new players to the worlds they help tell stories of and invite the weary traveler to spin their own tales. Monsters and fire catch their attention, and if you bring up their old friends, the gators, they will tell you fun facts about each one. 


General Moderation

Pronouns: she/her

Timezone: west coast lmao

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Soul is from the UK, and has apparently got their muse hooked up to a perpetual motion device, or possibly just a metaphysical hamster wheel.


They like writing, video games, singing, and collecting enough reaction images to sink a small island. They have also been known to bake occasionally, but that’s probably just to fuel their enormous sweet tooth.

In terms of roleplaying, they’re game for plots of any type, though they have the most experience in slice of life and action plots


General Moderation

Pronouns: she/her

Timezone: EST


 Ariever thinks her favorite thing to do is play videogames, draw, and watch youtube videos. Her favorite color is purple and her favorite environment to be in is a forest. She dislikes capitalism, black licorice, and physical labor.

So far she has different characters in Lorefolk and is open to interacting with other characters, after all Lore is full of strange beings!

If you have any questions or want to listen to her ramble about philosophy in Nier Automata, feel free  to send her a DM! 


A special thanks to Anzellous, King, Omino, and World Devourer for initial conceptualization and help refining the concept..


  • Thank you to Omino for Sponsoring LoreFolk from March 2018 - March 2019.

  • Thank you to Omino for sponsoring LoreFolk from October 2020 through January 2021.

  • Thank you to Omino for sponsporing LoreFolk from January 2021 to January 2022.


Thank you to the following members for volunteering their time to help LoreFolk grow:

Anzellous, Omino, Botch, World Devourer, Koz, Soul


Thank you to World Devourer for running Community Nights from October 2019 - October 2020. Thank you to Greybobo for bringing Lore to Life with gifts of art.


  • Special Thanks to Anzellous for Creating the Daily News & Lore Broadcasts from March 2018 - December 2018

  • Special Thanks to World Devourer for 25 Hour All Day Blood Buffet & March/April 2018 Event (Jackalope Hunt & Day of the Undead). Daily news from 13 November 2019 - October 2020 written by World Devourer.

  • Secondary Advertisement Image (Greyscale Fox) thanks to Birdie

  • Thank you to Breedle for creation of NPC Claus.

  • Thank you to Soul for Location Creation Contest idea.


  • Special thanks to Anzellous for adjusting & testing the forum code from January-July 2018

  • NPC art for Claus © Grey Grant, 2021.

  • Infographics and Layout Design completed by ReD. Image sources from Pixabay & Canva. Monster silhouettes of Natasha Sinegina from Creazilla

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