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Main Plot Chapters

Each Chapter of the Main Plot has a corresponding prompt and objective.  When a chapter is roleplayed to completion (the objective is achieved), this page is updated to reflect the developing narrative.

Once Upon a time...

.... Bridget Volk, a werewolf, and Carmine Russel, a human social media influencer, started a relationship and fell in love.


As a human, Carmine longed to run through the woods on the full moon with Bridget, but she is immune to most traditional ways to become a werewolf. Biting didn't work, neither did drinking water from a wolf's paw... Bridget searched for a way to share life as a wolf with the woman she loves. She finally thought she found it when disaster struck. 


Luckily--Or Unluckily--

This is Lore.

The city of Dreams, the City of Nightmares.

Will your OCs help Bridget and Carmine unravel this disaster to find their happily ever after, or will they uncover dark secrets and twised lies?

Chapter One:


Prompt: While out in the woods, your characters discover a large wolf, covered in blood, hunched over the body of an elderly witch. The wolf attempts to flee using any means necessary. How do your characters react? What do they do?

Objective: By the end of the thread, your characters learn that the wolf is a werewolf named Bridget who is stuck in wolf shape. She claims she is innocent and someone is out to kill her, too. She is going to go somewhere to hide until she can prove she's innocent and marry her girlfriend.


Characters Involved:

  • Van (Soul)

  • Zaru (Shadowborn)

  • Ithaqua (World Devourer)

  • Bridget (NPC)


Thread Link:

  • Read the Full Thread Here



"In the depths of Lore's woods, Van and Zaru came across a murder most foul—or so it appeared. A werewolf stood over the body of an old woman, covered in blood. When Van and Zaru went to investigate, the werewolf ran as fast as they could, and the investigation became a chase. Ithaqua got in the way just in time, and admonished the lot of them for an unlicensed hunt.


An interrogation took place, with the werewolf—a woman called Bridget—trapped beneath Van's colossal paw. According to her, she was knocked unconscious on the way to meet a friend of hers. When she woke up, she was stood over the corpse, and could no longer return to her human shape. Most other evidence, including scents, was apparently scrubbed.


After much discussion, the group decided to let Bridget leave, as she wanted to find evidence to clear her name. Meanwhile, the group investigated the crime scene, and Van vowed to look into this matter further, along with wishing to hunt with Zaru (and pay the fines she accrued). Ithaqua went back to report the happenings, this crime being far above what they were used to.


But who framed the werewolf, if Bridget really was innocent? What had she done to deserve it? And how had they covered their tracks so well?

Perhaps, in the hands of others, the truth would be revealed

Chapter Two:

Prompt: Your characters receive a message from the Council of Seven asking for help find the elusive Hind, a great white stag that appears only between Dawn and Dusk, to help break a spell cast by a magic axe on a werewolf named Bridget in exchange for a reward. Do your characters work together or compete? How do they find Hind?

Objective: By the end of the thread, your characters find Hind and persuade him to help break the spell. Hind agrees but explains they must kill him and harvest his blood to take back to the council to break the spell; he will be reborn on the next full moon.

Recommended NPCS:

  • Text Here




Current Characters Involved:

  • Charcter Name (Player)

  • Charcter Name (Player)

Chapter Three:

Prompt: While in the marketplace, a human named Carmine stumbles into your characters and says it must be fate because they match the description given to her by a fortune teller. Carmine claims your characters were foretold to help her find evidence that would exonerate her girlfriend, Bridget, who is currently being framed for the murder of a witch named Babcia. Do your characters choose to help her or does fate intervene? Where and how do they find the evidence? Do your characters believe Bridget is innocent?

Objective: By the end of the thread, your characters discover a picnic basket containing a bloody wolf pelt, an axe, and bridget’s cell phone. The last text message is from Babcia telling her to come to the clearing in the woods where the old witch was discovered murdered.A man named Gilligan overhears the conversation and offers to deliver the evidence to City Hall when they find it since he’s on his way there.

Recommended NPCS:

  • Text Here




Current Characters Involved:

  • Charcter Name (Player)

  • Charcter Name (Player)

Chapter Four:

Prompt: Your characters encounter Bridget, a wolf and known murder suspect, lurking about the warehouse district. Bridget begs your characters to help her prove she’s innocent by helping her find the man that stole the evidence before it reached city hall. 


Objective: Your characters find Gilligan hiding in a warehouse, but he doesn’t have the evidence--he says he’s been hiding from Bridget, who is out to kill him. He claims that when he arrived at City Hall, the contents of the basket had been switched with mushrooms and a pile of leaves. Both Bridget and Gilligan flee.

Recommended NPCS:

  • Text Here




Current Characters Involved:

  • Charcter Name (Player)

  • Charcter Name (Player)

Chapter Five:

Prompt: While at the Campgrounds, your characters discover an axehandle hound named Axel burying a suspicious bundle containing an axe and a cell phone beneath one of the cabins. Axel agrees to give your characters to the evidence as long as they won’t turn him into the Council of Seven. How do they make the discovery? How do they get the evidence from Axel and convince him to talk? What do they do?


Objective: By the end of the thread, your characters discover that a man named Gilligan asked Axel to switch baskets and hide the evidence. He says his coworker Gilligan is in love with some girl named Carmine and wanted to stop her from becoming a werewolf and marrying her girlfriend no matter what he had to do, even if it meant giving up his magical axe.

Recommended NPCS:

  • Text Here




Current Characters Involved:

  • Charcter Name (Player)

  • Charcter Name (Player)

Chapter Six:

Prompt: Your characters are asked by the Council to help a Necromancer revive Babcia so that she can reveal the truth of what happened. The Necromancer is known for being eccentric and asks them to meet in the Cemetery. How does he ask your characters to help? What things does he make them do? What goes wrong in bringing back Babcia’s spirit? Is Babcia willing to talk or does she need to be bribed?

Objective: By the end of the thread, your characters manage to get information that Babcia was killed by a wolf--but not by Bridget. A man stole the magical wolf pelt that Babcia was going to sell to bridget, who was hoping to ask Carmine to become a werewolf and marry her. She also reveals that the man used a magical axe to trap Bridget into her wolf shape and, if Bridget is not cured by the next full moon, she’ll be stuck in her wolf shape forever

Recommended NPCS:

  • Text Here




Current Characters Involved:

  • Charcter Name (Player)

  • Charcter Name (Player)

Chapter Seven:

Chapter Seven is Coming Soon ! The prompt for Chapter Seven will be based on the completion of a few of the previous chapters. Details coming soon!

Recommended NPCS:

  • Text Here




Current Characters Involved:

  • Charcter Name (Player)

  • Charcter Name (Player)

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